Be A Clear and Open Channel for the Light! 

Welcome to the SoulPath Alchemy Portal!

Founded by Elaina Geltner and her inter-dimensional friends (The Spirit of QuietStar), we are a community of SoulPath explorers and journeyers. Our mission is to connect with our HigherSelves, our innate spiritual gifts and to live the life of our dreams. We love to ground all that energy into the earth, using practical tools that enhance our well-being, our relationships and our offerings in service to the evolution of humanity. 

Poke around and get yourself acquainted with what calls to you.

Available Products

LIVE @ the Cosmic Tea Room: Sound Circle Community Gathering

Come together as a community to raise our personal and collective vibration. Want to be part of the solution? This is a simple (maybe not easy!*!) way to make an impact as together we create the life (and the world) of our dreams! 30 min Sound Circle followed by Tea and Community (BYOT). Live on Zoom and in the Cosmic Tea Room. 

Ceremony: Activate the Alchemy of the Seasons

There is a powerful energetic process available when we activate The Alchemy of the Seasons. This helps us to align with the Earth and the celestial energies, so we can more powerfully co-create the life of our dreams. We harmonize with the cyclical nature of life on earth as we create goals and intentions in alignment with the seasons.

Discover your SoulPath Vibration™ ToolKit

  • Discover your SoulPath Vibration™.
  • Navigate through decisions to find right action.
  • Refine your inner guidance system and create a unique energy template.

This is a guided journey to uncover and cultivate your unique SoulPath Vibration™. 

"Thrive!" a Highly Sensitive Empath ToolKit

For the Highly Sensitive Empath: A ToolKit of DIY sound and energy tools including how to ground, mind your own (energetic) business, create a safe space for you to be you. Gleaned from over 40 years of energy transformation and working with highly sensitive empaths, here are the SoulPath Alchemy foundational tools. 

Are You a Highly Sensitive Empath? Take our Quiz and Find Out!

For the Highly Sensitive Empath, it's quite a journey learning how to navigate in a world that is often too loud, too overwhelming and "doesn't get me". A small percentage of humans have this set of traits. Take our quiz and find out where you stand!

SoulPath Vibe Video

Your SoulPath is calling…

You have a unique SoulPath Vibration™. It is a shortcut to alignment with your true self and a big help for making decisions along the path of life. 

SoulPath Alchemy™ 101

Discover SoulPath Alchemy™! 

  • Guided Meditations
  • Tastes of SoulPath Alchemy™
  • Directions to the Cosmic Tea Room
  • The SoulPath Vibe Video

Work 1 to 1 with Elaina IN PERSON (60 min San Luis Obispo Office)

Interested in personalized support for your spiritual journey? In 1 to 1 sessions, I bring my vast experience in metaphysics, energy, sound, meditation, intuition, and spiritual psychology to create a personalized, multi-dimensional approach to moving into the life you’ve always dreamed of. My Spirit Guides connect with your Guides and HigherSelf. Hands-on modalities such as Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Chakra/Energy Balancing and acupressure are available upon request.  

Work 1 to 1 with Elaina (60 min, Zoom/phone session)

Interested in personalized support for your spiritual journey? In 1 to 1 sessions, I bring my vast experience in metaphysics, energy, sound, meditation, intuition, and spiritual psychology to create a personalized, multi-dimensional approach to moving into the life you’ve always dreamed of. My Spirit Guides connect with your Guides and HigherSelf. 

Visioning for a New Year (or New Cycle)

Complete the old year (or any cycle) and bring in the new. Bring wisdom and gifts forward while leaving behind what's done. Guided sound and energy meditations plus much more! 

Spirit Whisperers' ClubHouse Member Portal

A Members only group where we learn and grow in our spiritual journey. Each month we have:

  • Monthly "Live at the Cosmic Tea Room"
  • Monthly "Channeling Clinic"
  • Lots of Sharing in our Private FaceBook Community.
  • Want the secret password? Click to learn more and Join
My Products Available Products
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